ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit

For bovine tissue samples, Automatic Genomic DNA Extraction Kit – ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit
ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit uses our unique Tissue lysis buffer with Proteinase K to efficiently dissociate tissues and proteins for efficient extraction of genomic DNA. The binding buffer and silica magnetic particles will bind genomic DNA to the surface of the beads. The wells are then subject to a magnetic field, forcing the genomic DNA-bound silica magnetic particles to remain within the container while the reaction mixture and cellular waste are removed. Three types of washing buffers are introduced sequentially during in the next step to remove the remainder of cellular waste products. The washing buffers are then pipetted off, while the genomic DNA-bound silica magnetic particles remain bound by the magnetic field. DNase-free elution buffer is then introduced to the silica magnetic particles to release the bound and now purified genomic DNA.

Features and Benefits

  • Reproducibility & Reliability

ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit functions through a buffer cartridge system containing buffers optimized for the extraction of genomic DNA from bovine tissue samples. Nucleic acid extractions occur with the buffer cartridges through the automated nucleic acid extraction instrument, allowing for reproducible performance. Also, by preventing human errors during the workflow, the results are always dependable. The product is produced under ISO 9001 quality standards by an automated production facility to provide you with high-quality performance.

  • High-Yield and Purity

The buffer composition within the ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit was developed to extract high purity and high yield genomic DNA from various animal tissue samples. Also, the extraction protocols contained within the automated nucleic acid extraction instruments ExiProgen™ is optimized for maximum performance. Anybody can extract genomic DNA of high purity and yield from bovine tissue samples by using the pre-programmed and optimized protocols in ExiProgen™.


Components Quantity Note
Buffer Cartridge ① 6 ea  
Buffer Cartridge ② 6 ea  
Plant Lysis buffer ① 1 ea 25 ml
Plant Lysis buffer ② 1 ea 25 ml
Disposable filter tip 3 pack 32 ea/pack
Elution tube 1 pack 12 ea/pack
Manual 1 ea  

Starting culture volume 10 - 40 mg
Elution volume 50 - 100 ul
Expected Yield up to 10 ug
Expected Purity (A260/280) > 1.8



PCR, Quantitative real time PCR, Gene cloning, SNP analysis, Genetics



Experimental Data

Fig. 1 Agarose gel electrophoresis results of genomic DNA extracted from bovine tissue

Results of gel electrophoresis of genomic DNA extracted from 40mg bovine tissue sample. Yields were on average 10ug and purities (A260/A280) were at least (average) 1.8. Also, to observe cross-contamination that may occur during the extraction process, the mouse tissue samples were placed in a checkerboard pattern, and the rest of the wells were filled with ddH2O. No cross-contamination could be detected.
M; Size marker, S; Extraction with bovine tissue sample, B; Extraction with D.W only.

Application Note

• ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit_Bovine skeletal muscle


• ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit


• ExiProgen™ Beef Genomic DNA Kit

Quality Assurance

Bioneer is the holder of Quality Management System Certificates for the following standards.

ISO 9001:2008 - certificate
